However, the first game system designed for commercial home use did not emerge until nearly three decades later, when Ralph Baer and his team released his prototype, the “Brown Box,” in 1967. The game, based on the ancient mathematical game of Nim, was played by about 50,000 people during the six months it was on display, with the computer reportedly winning more than 90 percent of the games. Edward Uhler Condon at the New York World’s Fair in 1940. The first recognized example of a game machine was unveiled by Dr. Indeed, gaming has become so integrated with modern popular culture that now even grandmas know what Angry Birds is, and more than 42 percent of Americans are gamers and four out of five U.S. The mobile technology boom in recent years has revolutionized the industry and opened the doors to a new generation of gamers.

Since its commercial birth in the 1950s as a technological oddity at a science fair, gaming has blossomed into one of the most profitable entertainment industries in the world. Riad Chikhani is co-founder and CEO of gaming social network Gamurs.